Baptism is the full initiation into the Body of Christ

We are delighted to do baptisms at Nativity!  Baptism is not simply a rite of passage – it is a commitment to Christ in which we make promises of faith, or our parents and godparents make them for us.  In the Episcopal Church, we baptize infants as well as adults because we see baptism as a rite of new spiritual birth in which we are welcomed into the family of Christ.  Living into our baptism is a lifelong process no matter how old we are when we are baptized.  When a child is baptized, the parents and godparents make the commitments on the child’s behalf, promising to raise the child in the Christian faith so he or she can grow into the baptismal promises.

If you are interested in a baptism at Nativity, please email Father Scot or call us at 480-307-9216.  Please fill out Baptismal Form below so we have the information we need for our records.  If you choose to be baptized at Nativity, one of our priests will meet with you.